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Bang & Olufsen har ambitiøse mål for grøn omstilling

Forfatters billede: Mathias FischerMathias Fischer

Opdateret: 19. mar. 2024

Der kan være spændende muligheder hos Bang & Olufsen for deltagerne i Uddannelse til grønne job. Fyrtårnsvirksomheden i projektet skal nemlig bruge arbejdskraft for at opnå ambitiøse grønne målsætninger om blandt andet bæredygtighed og cirkularitet.

Foto: Bang & Olufsen, PR

Bang & Olufsen skal bruge arbejdskraft for at opnå ambitiøse grønne målsætninger. En del af den arbejdskraft kan potentielt komme fra deltagerne i Uddannelse til grønne job med B&O som en vigtig bidragsyder, som fyrtårnsvirksomhed.

Med deltagelsen i projektet håber B&O at kunne inspirere unge til at se de mange grønne jobmuligheder, der findes hos B&O og på den måde tiltrække lærlinge til virksomheden.


"We hope that young people can see some of the opportunities that are available to be a part of the transition in their local community like in Middle Jutland. For us it is also about developing relationships with the individuals and the schools and potentially finding some apprentices who would like to come and work with us and take some of these roles and be a part of what we do," siger Caroline Cawley, Sustainability Lead hos Bang & Olufsen.


Konkret skal B&O bruge folk til at reparere, vedligeholde og opgradere B&O-produkter. Så her får FGU-eleverne i Uddannelse til grønne job måske mulighed for at gribe chancen.

"In Struer we have our Repair Center of Excellence. Every year they do 20.000 to 25.000 repairs and upgrades on our products from all over the world. We need people who can do does jobs. We could hire more if we were able to get them. And these are the jobs that are critical for the green transition," siger Caroline Cawley.

B&O er kendt for tidløst og smagfuldt dansk design - samt kompromisløs kvalitet. Foto: Bang & Olufsen, PR

Arbejder for lokalområdet og for at tiltrække kvalificeret arbejdskraft

B&O forsøger aktivt at bidrage til lokalområdet omkring virksomhedens hovedsæde i Struer.

"Being located in Struer and having been there for 99 years we are really committed to the area. We see it as our responsibility to help to develop the area. And we get out what we put in."

Området skal også være attraktivt, så virksomheden kan tiltrække tilstrækkelig kvalificeret arbejdskraft.

"We want to make it attractive for people to be there. We want to make sure that everybody who is there, to have great skills and opportunities - also to hire them and to make the area desirable to live and somewhere that people can see that they can have a career and a family. We really see ourselves linked closely with that area," siger Caroline Cawley.

B&O vil tiltrække de rette folk til lokalområdet, for at få løst specifikke opgaver i forbindelse med fremstilling af grønne produkter.


"Two or three years ago we began to include sustainability and designing for circularity and green products. We are committed to circularity and decarbonization and we want our products to contribute to the green transition. As a company we also have a need to attract people who can work in the jobs that we see that are coming."

Foto: Bang & Olufsen, PR

Slog dørene op for FGU-elever

Bang & Olufsen slog dørene op for FGU-elever fra Uddannelse til grønne job i november 2023. Ved et åbent hus-arrangement fik de unge en smagsprøve på, hvad det vil sige at arbejde for B&O, og hvilke grønne jobmuligheder, der findes i virksomheden.


"You can't imagine the kind of jobs that are going to be there as part of the green transition if you don't see them. And that's why I think factory tours and coming to see and meet the people who are doing these jobs already is important. Because you just can't imagine what day to day would look like if you were a repair technician for B&O. What would my day look like if I worked in the aluminum factory with recycled aluminum? And that’s why we are happy to be involved in this kind of way."


Caroline Cawley håber, at de besøgende projektdeltagere får en fornemmelse af B&O-ånden.


"We want them to experience our company, the culture and the way that we work. I think it is a very inspiring place to go to B&O in Struer. You feel the legacy and the heritage, and you feel like you are a part of something special where everybody is contributing".

Til åbent hus-arrangementet mødte deltagerne i Uddannelse til grønne job blandt andet en tidligere lærling, der i dag er fastansat hos B&O.

"We have a lot of apprentices at B&O in Struer in different areas and actually the students will meet one of the guys, Kasper, he works in our alu-factory. He started as an apprentice and now obviously he is fully employed."

"We can't go green without taking everybody with us"

B&O håber at være med til at inspirere de unge projektdeltagere, da det er vigtigt at få alle med i den grønne omstilling.


"We can't go green without taking everybody with us. It can't be a movement where we exclude people and make it more difficult for people to be a part of this. Everyone must find a place and that's very much at the heart at what we do at B&O. It's trying to make sure that there is a social aspect," siger Caroline Cawley.

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